7 Tips for Snow Blowing


Point. Drive. Blow. It seems pretty basic but here are few tips that can speed up the process and get back inside to your heated house. Below we outline a few tips to keep you’re time in the cold short and well spent.

  1. Pay attention to the wind: The last thing you want is to have to do the same work over and over again. Make sure that you’re blowing the snow in a direction that it won’t blow back into your drive way or blown area.
  2. Have a plan for where you’re going to pile the snow: Make sure you’re not piling it up in your neighbors way or in a street where a plow is going to move it back into your uncovered area. Also be mindful of the direction that you’re throwing the snow. Sometimes small rocks can be thrown as well as  Ice. Make sure that you’re not throwing hard material at things that can break. Another consideration is that the snow is going to melt, for that reason you might want to be mindful about piling snow next to a house.
  3. Create a pattern based on your planning. You know which direction and where the snow needs to end up. Now you need to consider the most efficient way of getting it there. Keep in mind that your goal when planning the pattern is to only throw the snow once. If possible you want to make sure that the snow you’re throwing is off the section to be cleared and on the pile you’re trying to create.
  4. Prepare the machine and yourself. Snow blowers vary in how they’re to be used. It’s important that if you purchase the machine from a dealership (like Humphreys’) to have the sales person show you how to work your machine. It’s also important to make sure that you’ve read the manual and know how the machine is supposed to act in the snow. In all machines you’ll want to make sure that you have the correct fuel (two cycle or 4 cycle) and to check the oil (4 cycle engines only) before each use.
  5. Keep the shovel put away until you’re done with the snow blower. This is the machine that is going to do the brunt of your work. Take full advantage of the power of the machine and use a shovel afterwards to shovel any areas that you weren’t able to get to.
  6. Don’t let bystanders get too close to where you’re blowing. As previously stated, ice and rocks can be thrown and you don’t want to hurt anyone.
  7. Run the blower after you’re done using the machine. This can remove excess snow in the machine and get it ready for storage.

Well, there you have it. Some broad and basic tips that can help you get your job done quickly and efficiently. Another great way to use your snow blower is to buy one for someone else on your street. You fund him or her and let them do the work, while you watch from your heated house!